It’s no secret what entices new youth and families to join Scouting and keep them involved: a well-planned, fun program. While planning for your upcoming Scouting year may seem daunting or time-consuming, it doesn’t have to be. And “Being Prepared” ahead of time will ultimately save time and headaches for you and your fellow busy adult leaders who volunteer their time to make a difference.
The planning process for each level of Scouting programs differs slightly based on who’s involved and their level of involvement, but consists of the following basic steps:
Decide what activities are going to happen.
Build a budget based on what those activities are going to cost and other associated costs of running a Scout unit (national registration fees, insurance fees, etc.).
Develop a fundraising plan to offset the cost to families and determine a per-Scout fundraising goal.
Communicate the plan with your families (and prospective families, too.)
Check back soon — we’re currently redesigning this page and will be adding new resources soon!